Program Summaries



2019 Novel Coronavirus Hotline

·         Inquiry Coronavirus

·         Taxonomy - medical information services*2019 coronavirus respiratory illnesses

Provides information about the Coronavirus.


AIDS Drug Assistance Program

·         Inquiry Other

·         Taxonomy - prescription expense assistance * AIDS/HIV issues

New York State's AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) refill criteria will be relaxed to enable consumers to get medications that were lost, damaged or otherwise unavailable.  ADAP staff will do everything they can to make sure consumers get the medications they need.



·         Inquiry Type – Asthma

·         Taxonomy – General Health Education Program* Asthma

Asthma causes breathing problems. The airways in the lungs get blocked, causing the lungs to get less air than normal. Symptoms of an "asthma attack" can be difficulty with breathing, a tight feeling in the chest, coughing and wheezing.


Breastfeeding Promotion Program

·         Inquiry Type – WIC

·         Taxonomy – Breastfeeding Support Program

The program provides training and guidelines to help get more mothers to breastfeed and to get them to breastfeed longer. Some of the activities and information include:

NYSDOH Publications


CACFP (Child & Adult Food Program)

·         Inquiry Type – Child/Adult Food Program

·         Taxonomy – Child and Adult Food Program

The NYS Department of Health, Division of Nutrition is the state agency that administers CACFP by providing program approval, claims reimbursement, nutrition expertise and consultation, training and resource materials, program guidelines, and on-site program reviews.

Participating Programs- CACFP


Cancer Services Complaints

·         Inquiry Type - Breast and Cervical Screening

·         Taxonomy - general consumer complaints * breast cancer


·         Inquiry - Colorectal Screening

·         Taxonomy - General consumer complaints * colorectal cancer


Provides mechanisms through which consumers can register complaints regarding the Breast, Cervical & Colorectal Screening Program and obtain assistance in achieving a satisfactory resolution.


Cancer Services Program

·         Inquiry - Breast and Cervical Screening

·         Taxonomy - cancer detection * breast cancer


·         Inquiry - Colorectal Screening

·         Taxonomy - cancer detection * colorectal cancer

Provides breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings.

Provides comprehensive genetic services.


CDC National STD Hotline

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - information and referral * sexually transmitted disease

Provides information about sexually transmitted diseases.


Child Health Plus

·         Inquiry – Child Health Plus

·         Taxonomy – children's state/local health insurance programs

A health insurance plan for children up to the age 19 who are not eligible for Medicaid and who have no health insurance.


Children with Special Health Care Needs(CSHCN)

Children With Special Health Care Needs Program (CSHCN)

·         Inquiry Type – Health Department

·         Taxonomy – Developmental Assessment* Physical Disabilities


NYS public health program that provides information and referral services for health and related areas for families of CSHCN.




The CSHCN Program provides families with information and referrals to fit their child’s growing needs. Children who are  enrolled in the Early Intervention Program can continue to receive help through CSHCN when they “age out” of Early Intervention.

A child can receive assistance through the CSHCN Program even if they have been identified as a child with a disability through either the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and/or the Committee on Special Education (CSE).


Child/Teen health Program

·         Inquiry -Social Services

·         Inquiry - general physical examinations * youth

This program is a way for children and teens to get preventive care (checkups), medical exams and follow up care they need to make sure they are healthy and growing right up to 21 years of age.


Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)  (formerly known as the FAN Program)

·         Inquiry Type - Food & Nutrition Program

·         Taxonomy - Gap Group Nutrition Related Benefits

The New York State Department of Health’s Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) offers free, nutritious foods to seniors aged 60 years of age and older.  CSFP is available in New York City and Long Island only.



         *Information only*

If a caller inquires about making a complaint we have several phone numbers listed in the database about where to direct someone who has a complaint about prenatal care, family planning, WIC and insurance complaints.  All you would have to do is direct the caller to the agency for their area from the GUHH iCarol and save referral.  


Congenital Malformation Registry

·         Inquiry - Health Department

·         Taxonomy - disease/disability information*congenital conditions/anomalies

The New York State Congenital Malformations Registry (NYS CMR) is the best statewide source of information about congenital malformations in children born or residing in NYS, and it is one of the largest statewide population-based birth defects registries in the nation.


Crisis and Suicide Hotlines

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - general crisis Intervention hotlines

·         Taxonomy - suicide prevention hotlines-

Provides suicide prevention and crisis intervention services.

* Routes the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number callers to the nearest crisis center in the caller's area.


Day Care Assistance

·         Inquiry - Social Services

·         Taxonomy - Child Care Subsidy Programs

Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCRRs) provide services to parents and day care providers in every county of New York State.


Dental/Orthodontia Referrals for Medicaid

·         Inquiry – Orthodontia

·         Taxonomy - Medicaid

Program that links people who are on Medicaid with a dentist who accepts Medicaid.


Diabetes Pro - Professional Resources Online

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - diabetes management clinics

Online Call 1-800-DIABETES for more information.1-800-342-2383


Eat Smart New York (ESNY)

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - Nutrition Education

Eat Smart New York (ESNY) Nutrition Education is FREE to all Food Stamp participants and those eligible to receive Food Stamps. ESNY is a program where nutrition educators will meet with you either individually or in a group in your home or community setting, to help you learn about: nutrition, meal planning, healthy food shopping on a budget, cooking and food safety, weight control and physical activity, and much more.


EBT Services

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy – EBT Card Services

Provides information to cardholders in regards to their SNAP (food stamps) or cash accounts.

* Assists cardholders file a claim if they suspect a transaction error occurred.

* Provides information on how to report a damaged, lost, or stolen cards.

* Assists cardholders to change their pin and reset their EBT account website account ID password.


ESAP- Expanded syringe Access Demonstration Program

·         Inquiry Type – ESAP

·         Taxonomy – medical waste disposal

·         Taxonomy – Needle Exchange/Distribution Program


The Expanded Syringe Access Demonstration Program (ESAP) expands access to sterile hypodermic needles and syringes. Pharmacies and health care facilities register with the New York State Department of Health and may sell up to 10 hypodermic needles or syringes to persons age 18 and up without requiring a prescription. Hospitals, nursing homes and pharmacies

 collect sharps for safe disposal.


GUHH ESAP Sharps Collection sites:


GUHH ESAP Providers Directory:


 Expanded Syringe Access Demonstration Program (ESAP)

v  Persons at least 18 years old can: Legally obtain hypodermic needles & syringes without a prescription.

v  Purchase or obtain up to 10 hypodermic needles or syringes from an ESAP-registered

o   Pharmacy

o   Health care facility

o   Health care practitioner


Sharps Collection Sites by law, all hospitals & nursing homes in NYS must accept used “sharps” from community residents

v  Needles

v  Syringes

v  Lancets

v  Other providers are also registered to accept used sharps (e.g., some pharmacies and community-based agencies) 


For more info on ESAP and safe sharps disposal

v  NYS Department of Health:

o   (212) 417-4770

v  Email:


Early Intervention

·         Inquiry Type – Early Intervention

·         Taxonomy – Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays


The Early Intervention Program provides an array of evaluation, therapeutic, and supportive services to infants and toddlers with developmental delays from birth through age three years and their families. Services include multidisciplinary evaluations (assessment of a number of skill areas, such as physical abilities, communication, social-emotional, cognitive and adaptive development).

In addition, an individualized family service plan (IFSP) is developed in collaboration with the family and the appropriate Early Intervention team members. Families choose a service coordinator who works in partnership with them to ensure that the service agreed upon in the IFSP are provided.


Services may include family training, counseling, home visits and parent support group; special instruction, speech pathology and audiology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychological services, nursing services, nutrition services, social work services, vision services, and assistive technology devices and services.


Facilitated Enrollment

·         Inquiry Type – Medicaid for Children or Child Health Plus

·         Taxonomy term - Health Insurance Assistance


Community organizations that can help families enroll with assistance with the application in Children's Medicaid and Child Health Plus.


Family Planning

·         Inquiry Type – Family Planning or Pregnancy Tests

·         Taxonomy – Family Planning

§  General Consumer Complaints *Family Planning Issues

Let's Talk Family Planning, it's for you!

Your life, your decisions, and your well-being matter most to us. Family Planning programs aim to support people and educate them in choosing the timing and spacing of their pregnancies. We offer care in a confidential and respectful manner.

Family Planning services include:

·         birth control

·         emergency contraception

·         free condoms

·         sexually transmitted infection screening and treatment

·         basic infertility services.


At all of New York State's 160 family planning clinic sites, everyone is welcome, no matter their financial situation or insurance status. Discounted fees based on income are available at all New York State Title X-funded Family Planning clinics.

Affordable and accessible reproductive and sexual health care is available at each family planning clinic. 



Family Planning Extension Program (FPEP)

·         Inquiry Type – family planning

·         Taxonomy – Family Planning

The Family Planning Extension Program (FPEP) provides up to 26 months of additional access to family planning services for women who were on Medicaid while they were pregnant, but subsequently lost Medicaid coverage when the pregnancy ended. FPEP services can be provided by Department-funded family planning providers.

If we get calls about Family Planning or FPEP we should direct the caller to their local Family Planning program listed in the database and save the referral in GUHH ICarol.

There is more than one way to apply for the FPBP. Please refer to the information provided below.

If we get calls about FPBP we should direct the caller to their local Social Services Department or their local family planning site listed in the database and save the referral in GUHH ICarol.


Farmers Market Nutritional Program

·         Inquiry Type – Farmers Market

·         Taxonomy – Farmers Market




Promotes improved nutrition through increased consumption of locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables by providing coupons for fresh produce at participating farmers’ markets to low-income, nutritionally at-risk families enrolled in WIC and Senior Nutrition Programs.

Use the following website to make referrals:
farmers markets

Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program:
Coupons available to eligible older adults through county Offices for the Aging.  In NYC-Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island callers can contact 311 and all other counties callers can contact their local Information and Referral hotline.



            Press E then space bar.  You will be in the Find in this database text box.  Use table navigation keys to move around the table.


Or use this excel sheet

excel version of farmers markets




For WIC, callers should be directed to their local WIC agency. Coupon distribution doesn’t begin until June 1st.


Coupons for seniors are distributed in each county through the Office for the Aging (also not starting until June 1st).


If any other caller is looking to get the farmers Market coupons, please refer them to 211.  (Save proper referral for 211)


Fifth Disease

Ÿ  Inquiry Type - Health Department

Ÿ  Taxonomy – Public Health


Fifth disease is a viral infection which often affects red blood cells. It is caused by a human parvovirus (B19). For many years, fifth disease was viewed as an unimportant rash illness of children. Recently, studies have shown that the virus may be responsible for serious complications in certain individuals.


Flu Vaccines

·         Inquiry – Flu

·         Taxonomy – Flu Vaccines

assistance in locating a flu clinic.


Folic Acid

·         Inquiry Type – Health Department

·         Taxonomy – Public health

The vitamin that helps prevent birth defects.      


Food Stamps

·         Inquiry Type – SNAP

·         Taxonomy – Food Stamp/SNAP Applications


A federally funded program administered locally by the county or the state that enables low-income and indigent households to obtain food stamp coupons which can be exchanged in nearly all grocery stores for food or electronic benefit transfer (EBT) "debit" cards which can be used to purchase food.  Approved households are entitled to receive a monthly allotment of food stamp coupons (or to purchase a designated amount of food utilizing their cards) based on net income and household size.  Expedited food stamps are available within five days for people who are in an emergency situation and whose income and spendable resources for that month are within specified limits.


Genetics Services Program

·         Inquiry Type – Other

·         Taxonomy – Genetic Testing & Screening


Genetic counseling gives people an opportunity to sit down with a trained health professional to discuss their risk for a genetic disease and to decide if they want to be tested. The genetic counselor will help the patient to become well informed and to make the decision that is best for him or her. 


Health Bucks or the Fresh Connect Checks program (FCC)

**This is information only regarding the program**


NYC farmers markets provide an opportunity for residents to buy fresh and affordable produce while supporting regional farmers. Health Bucks, worth $2 each, are developed and distributed by NYC Health Department District Public Health Offices and can be used to purchase fresh fruits & vegetables at participating farmers markets (listed on each Health Buck).  At farmers markets that accept food stamps (Electronic Benefit Cards/EBT), one Health Buck coupon will be given to each customer for every $5 spent using food stamps. 


Health department

·         Inquiry – Health Department

·         Taxonomy – Public Health


Local health department information.


Health Plan Marketplace

·         Inquiry Type – Adult Insurance

·         Taxonomy – Health Insurance Information/Counseling


NY State of Health is an organized marketplace designed to help people shop for and enroll in health insurance coverage.  Individuals, families and small businesses will be able to use the Marketplace to help them compare insurance options, calculate costs and select coverage online, in-person, over the phone or by mail.  The Marketplace will help people to check their eligibility for health care programs like Medicaid and sign up for these programs if they are eligible. 

 The Marketplace will also be able to tell what type of financial assistance is available to applicants to help them afford health insurance purchased through the Marketplace. 


Health Resources & Services Administration

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - physician referrals or community clinics


Assistance to find a health care provider in your new location so that you can continue to get your prescription drugs, medical supplies, and other medical assistance.


Hepatitis C

·         Inquiry Type – Hepatitis (Be sure you fill in the call data form with this referral)

·         Taxonomy –      1. Needles Exchange distribution Programs

     2. Hepatitis Testing

      3. Vaccine Information *Hepatitis


Many individuals with chronic hepatitis C are unaware that they are infected because the disease is often without symptoms until advanced liver damage develops. Chronic hepatitis C is responsible for 40-60% of all liver disease and is the leading cause of liver transplantation in the United States.  Furthermore, approximately 1/3 of persons living with HIV/AIDS are co-infected with hepatitis C, and complications from liver disease are emerging as the leading cause of death among people with AIDS in many communities. 


Home Base II (PINS) Probation

·         Inquiry Type – Parenting Classes/Education

·         Taxonomy – Parenting Education

 Utilizing their strengths, youths and their families are assisted in stabilizing their lives in order to avoid placement in a Division for Youth facility. Home and/or school visits take place on a weekly basis at the convenience of the youth and family members. Services include, but are not limited to: court approved Anger Management, school advocacy, life skills coaching, communication skills, job assistance, self-esteem and self-awareness. Parents may access court approved Parent Education. Referrals made to additional services as needed.



Home Safe / Brookhaven Family Center

·         Inquiry Type – Parenting Classes/Education

·         Taxonomy – Parenting Education


Preventive services include but are not limited to- court approved parenting and anger management courses, family communication skills building, school advocacy, navigation of systems within the social services spectrum, and referrals to additional services as needed. Parenting: Parents receive 6-8 weeks of court-approved parenting skills training designed to enhance parenting abilities and coping skills. Three different parenting programs are offered to meet the need of families with children of all ages.


Home Visiting Program

·         Inquiry – Home Visiting Programs

·         Taxonomy – Home Visiting Programs


As parents, we all need a little support. Babies don't come with an instruction manual. Home visiting is a voluntary program provided at no cost to your family that will give you family support through visits in your home by a home visitor. Your home visitor will provide information and support about parenting, your child's health, and development, walk you through healthy coping strategies for stressful parenting situations, and connect you with any needed services in the community (such as health care, job training).  There are five home visiting programs that studies show help families from pregnancy until the time the child enters kindergarten in New York State: Early Head Start, Healthy Families New York; Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters; Nurse-Family Partnership; Parents as Teachers.


Hunger Prevention and Nutrition assistance Program

·         Inquiry Type - Other

·         Taxonomy - – Information and Referral *Hunger Issues


Increase access to safe and nutritious food and related resources. Develop and provide nutrition and health education programs. Empower people to increase their independence from emergency food assistance programs.


Information and Referral Lines

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy – Information and Referral


Provides information and referral services to health and human service agencies.


Lead Poisoning Screening 

·         Inquiry - Health Department

·         Taxonomy - lead poisoning screening


Program that prevents, detects, and treats children with elevated blood lead levels.



Long-Term Home Health Care (Care at Home Program)

·         Inquiry – Social Services

·         Taxonomy - long term home health care*developmental disabilities*youth

§  long term home health care*physical disabilities*youth


Serves developmentally disabled children under 18 years of age who have complex health care needs. Complex health care needs are defined as needs for medical therapies that are designed to replace or compensate for a vital body function or avert immediate threat to life; that is reliance on medical devices, nursing care, monitoring or prescribed medical therapy for the maintenance of life over a period expected to extend beyond 12 months. 



·         Inquiry – Medicaid for Adults or Children

·         Taxonomy – Medicaid


A federal program administered by the county that provides comprehensive medical benefits for low income families and patients in convalescent facilities, whose resources are within allowable limits. People who are eligible for Medicaid are entitled to health care, both in and out of a hospital or nursing home, from the participating health provider of their choice.


Medicaid Prenatal Care Services Program

·         Inquiry - Prenatal Care

·         Taxonomy - Prenatal Care


Insurance for Pregnant Women:

The Medicaid Prenatal Care Services Program offers free prenatal and maternity services for low-income women who qualify according to income. Medicaid Prenatal Care Services include medical check-ups, hospital care during pregnancy and delivery, health care for two months after delivery, assistance applying for WIC benefits and low or no cost health insurance for the children and family.



·         Inquiry Type – Adult Insurance

·         Taxonomy – Medicare


Medicare is a Health Insurance Program for people age 65 or older, people under age 65 with certain disabilities and people of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant).


Medicare has Two Parts:  Part A (Hospital Insurance) most people don’t have to pay for Part A.  Part B (Medical Insurance) most people pay monthly for Part B.

You can choose different ways to get the services covered by Medicare. Depending on where you live, you may have different choices. In most cases, when you first get Medicare, you are in the Original Medicare Plan. You may want to consider a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan to add drug coverage. Or, you may want to consider a Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO) that provides all you’re Part A, Part B, and often Part D coverage. You make a choice when you are first eligible for Medicare. Each year you can review your health and prescription needs and switch to a different plan in the fall. As long as you have both Part A and Part B, items covered by Part A and Part B are covered whether you have the Original Medicare Plan, or you belong to a Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO).


Mental Health

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - community mental health agencies


For mental health or an addiction care, there are services available. Providers across New York State are available to give you the care you need. There are also state and federal laws that ensure your access to treatment.


Newborn Screening Program

·         Inquiry Type – Newborn Screening

·         Taxonomy – Newborn Screening


Collects blood specimens from every infant born in the state to test for several rare metabolic disorders.  By identifying those infants with these conditions early in life, perhaps before they exhibit any symptoms of the condition, the morbidity and/or mortality associated with the untreated condition can be avoided.



New York City Poison Control Center

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy – Poison Control


Telephone service for managing poison emergencies and providing poison information.


NY Connects

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - information and referral * older adult/aging issues or information and referral * people with disabilities/health conditions


If caller is seeking information or assistance for an older adult or someone with a disability



Nutrition Outreach and Education Program (NOEP)

·         Inquiry Type – SNAP

·         Taxonomy – Food Stamps/SNAP Applications


Hunger Solutions New York manages NOEP in nearly every county in New York State and throughout all boroughs of New York City. The program offers free, confidential, one-on-one services that connect hungry New Yorkers with nutrition assistance programs. NOEP Coordinators help applicants gather documentation for, fill out, and send in the SNAP application.


NYS Career Center

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - comprehensive job assistance centers

Locator Locates closest career center.


NYS Infertility Reimbursement Program

·         Inquiry Type – NYS Infertility Reimbursement program

·         Taxonomy – Infertility Services


The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) offers grant assistance to higher volume providers of infertility services in New York State. Approved providers have met specific eligibility criteria for the program and performance standards (as documented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)), for in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and Fertility Preservation Services (FPS). Insured patients who meet eligibility criteria listed below, and whose insurance does not cover, or only partially covers, these costs can apply for the program through an approved provider.

If you want to read more on this program, the website is:



NYS Talking Book and Braille Library

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - information and referral * visual impairments


Lends audio and braille books and magazines, and the necessary playback equipment, to residents of New York State.


NYS Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program

·         Inquiry Type- Health Department 

·         Taxonomy-Childhood Immunization


The NYS Immunization Program is a public health program with the goal of eliminating the occurrence and transmission of measles, rubella, mumps, Hemophilus Influenza type b (Hib) more information on Hib disease on page 77 , hepatitis B, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, tetanus, and pertussis.  This program provides free vaccine to health care providers who are registered in New York State's Vaccines for Children Program.  The vaccines are administered free of charge to children who qualify.


New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS)

Questions or comments:


Office of Addiction Services and Supports - NYS Hope line (OASAS)

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - substance use disorder hotlines

§  information and referral * gambling issues

§  general health education programs*fetal alcohol syndrome


Telephone information and referral for substance abuse programs and gambling programs in New York State.


Out of State referrals

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy Information Sources

Provides information for a caller that is out of New York State


Prenatal Care Services Complaints

·         Inquiry – PCAP

·         Taxonomy - general consumer complaints*pregnant women


Accepts complaints from consumers.



Parenting Education Program - NYS(PEP)

·         Inquiry – Parenting Classes/Education

·         Taxonomy – Parenting Education


Promoting healthy early childhood care and positive parenting by offering community connection, education and diapers to working low income families.

Families qualifying for our program must consistently / mandatory attend meetings Baby Basics Inc. Parenting classes are offered twice a month related to basic parenting topics of infants and toddlers. Focus on low-income families.



Parenting classes

·         Inquiry Type - Parenting Classes\Education

·         Taxonomy – Parenting Classes


Responsible for providing assistance to families affected by child abuse/neglect or adoption of a Seneca child.

Education and awareness are very important steps toward the prevention of child abuse or neglect. The CFS Program offers parenting classes for foster parents and biological parents. The Program strives to prevent out of home placement of Native children as the goal of the case plan is to reunify the family. The Program provides case management services and referrals to other agencies that will help the family serve the best interests of the child


Physically Handicapped Evaluation/Treatment

·         Inquiry Type – Disabled and Severe Illness up to 21

·         Taxonomy – Public Health


The Physically Handicapped Children's Program (PHCP) serves children from birth to 21 years of age who have a severe chronic illness or physical disability. It has two components, the Diagnosis and Evaluation (D&E) component and the treatment component.



Perinatal Depression

·         Inquiry Type – Perinatal Depression

·         Taxonomy – Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder Treatment


Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for women who have symptoms of depression following delivery of a child which may include feelings of sadness and inadequacy, lack of feeling for the baby, over concern for the baby, crying for no reason, inability to concentrate, changes in sleeping patterns, numbness, anger, anxiety, exaggerated highs and lows and thoughts of suicide.



Perinatal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives (PICHC) Initiative

·         Inquiry Type – Pregnant & Perinatal Support

·         Taxonomy – Community Health Workers


The goal of the Perinatal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives (PICHC) initiative is to support community-based efforts to improve overall health and well-being of birthing people and their families and improve health outcomes. The PICHC program works together with communities to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic disparities in health outcomes and address the factors that affect racial and ethnic disparities. PICHC programs use a reproductive justice framework, which means ensuring that every person understands their right to make decisions about their own bodies, including whether they want to have children or not, and have access to and the ability for parenting children in safe and healthy communities.
Through the PICHC initiative, New York State is working to improve perinatal and infant health outcomes for high-need, low income, Medicaid eligible individuals and their families. Key priority outcomes include reducing:

PICHC programs use strategies to improve the health and well-being of individuals of reproductive age and their families with a focus on individuals in the prenatal, postpartum, and interconception periods. PICHC programs use individual-level approaches to improve perinatal health behaviors, and community-level approaches to address the social factors that impact health outcomes (Social Determinants of Health | CDC). The core individual-level strategy is the use of Community Health Workers (CHWs) to outreach and provide supports to eligible individuals at risk for, or with a history of, poor birth outcomes. Community-level strategies involve collaboration with diverse community partners, including community residents, to mobilize community action, and to address the social determinants impacting perinatal health outcomes. Community mobilization and engagement involves active participation by community members on community boards or coalitions, and participation in advocacy training to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health care.



Perinatal Depression

·         Inquiry – Perinatal Depression

·         Taxonomy – Perinatal Mood and Anxiety


Perinatal depression encompasses a wide range of mood disorders that can affect a woman during pregnancy and after the birth of her child. It includes prenatal depression, the “baby blues,” postpartum depression, and postpartum psychosis. 


o   Prenatal Symptoms

·         Crying or weepiness

·         Sleep problems (not due to frequent urination)

·         Fatigue

·         Appetite disturbance

·         Loss of enjoyment of activities

·         Anxiety 

·         Poor fetal attachment

·         Irritability

o   Post-partum Symptoms:

·         Feeling overwhelmed

·         Irritability

·         Frustration

·         Anxiety

·         Mood lability (ups and downs -- mom is elated one minute, and crying the next)

·         Feeling weepy and crying

·         Exhaustion

·         Trouble falling or staying asleep. 


o   Postpartum Depression Symptoms:

Ÿ  Frequent episodes of crying or weepiness

·         Persistent sadness and flat affect (mom won’t smile)

·         Fatigue

·         Feelings of inadequacy or guilt

·         Sleep disturbances (not due to baby’s night awakenings)

·         Appetite disturbances

·         Irritability

·         Mood instability

·         Overly intense worries about the baby

·         Difficulty concentrating, making decisions or remembering things

·         Lack of interest in the baby, family or activities

·         Thoughts of death or suicide (feels hopeless)



Poison Control Center (Upstate)

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy – Poison Control


Telephone service for managing poison emergencies and providing poison information.



Printed Educational Materials

·         Inquiry - Educational Material Only

·         Taxonomy - public awareness/education


Provides an outlet to order printed materials through the Department of Health.


Rape Crisis Program

·         Inquiry Type – Rape Crisis

·         Taxonomy - sexual assault hotlines

§  sexual assault hotlines


The Rape Crisis Program works to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to basic sexual assault treatment and prevention education services through the administration and oversight of a statewide network of rape crisis service providers. Sexual assault treatment and related education services, which include 24 hour hotlines, emergency contraception, crisis intervention services, medical and legal accompaniment and advocacy, information and referral, short and long-term counseling, group therapy, and prevention education. Outreach to and training of professionals is provided.


School Health Program

·         Inquiry Type – Health Department

·         Taxonomy - student health programs


The School Based Health Center Program offers comprehensive, quality primary and preventive care in schools for children, from kindergarten through high school, in certain high-risk areas of the state. Through arrangements between community-based primary care providers (such as hospitals or clinics) and school districts a wide variety of medical services are provided with parental consent. Services include physical examinations, referral for treatment, counseling and health education.


Senior Citizen Hotline

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - information and referral * older adults


Provides access to anyone seeking information about programs and services for the elderly in New York State.


Special Education Program

Inquiry Type – Special Education

·         Taxonomy – Special Education


Description: Within each office, Regional Associates, who are employees of the State Education Department, are assigned to specific school districts and special education programs. The Regional Associate oversees preschool and school-age special education services, and serves as a resource to parents, school district personnel and private providers.


Responsibilities include:

Conduct Quality Assurance Reviews of public and private special education programs. The purpose of the review is to determine compliance with federal and State special education laws and regulations. Areas of strength and weakness in regard to effective evaluation and instructional practices are identified as part of the review process. The goal of the review is to make programs more effective and to positively affect student results.

Provide technical assistance to parents, school district personnel, and special education programs.

Provide general information regarding services for students with disabilities to parents, school district personnel, private providers, and other stakeholders.

Oversee certain grant applications for the expenditure of federal IDEA  funds.

Investigate complaints alleging a public or private special education program's noncompliance with federal or State law or regulation pertaining to the education of students with disabilities.



Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or First Candle Program

·         Inquiry Type – Other

·         Taxonomy - general health education programs*sudden infant death syndrome


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden death of an infant under one year of age which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation, including performance of an autopsy, an examination of the death scene, and a review of the infant's and family's medical history. SIDS is the leading cause of death in infants between one month and one year of age, with most deaths occurring when a baby is between two and four months of age.



Summer Food Program

·         Inquiry – Summer Food Program

·         Taxonomy – Medicaid (Summer EBT Program)

·         Taxonomy -  information and referral * hunger/food issues (for local food pantries, soup kitchens, and during the summer approved sites for summer meals)


Hunger Hotline Provides referrals for individuals and families to local food pantries and soup kitchens.  During summer months, the hotline services as a resource connecting children 18 years old and under to approved sites for summer meals.  Beginning in 2024, New York State will launch Summer EBT, a new program that provides low-income families with food benefits to help buy groceries during the summer when kids might not have access to school meals.



·         Inquiry type – Social Services

·         Taxonomy – TANF


A state program with matching federal block grant funds administered by the county or the state under state guidelines that provides time-limited cash assistance for needy families with (or expecting) children as well as job preparation, work opportunities and access to supportive services such as child care which enable parents receiving assistance to leave the program and become self-sufficient.



·         Referral Source – Text Message

·         Inquiry Type – Use the proper inquiry type based on the caller’s need

·         Taxonomy - Use the proper inquiry type based on the caller’s need.


The Text4Baby program is designed to send text messages to those who sign up for the program that remind the mothers about important health issues like prenatal care, nutrition, immunizations, mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, etc. at key times during their pregnancy or child’s milestones. Some of these texts will include the Growing Up Healthy Hotline # so we expect to receive calls from women who have received these texts and are looking for more information. For the most part, this is what we already do; it is just another marketing method to educate New Yorkers about prenatal and maternal health. 


Callers can sign up by going to this website or by texting BABY (or BEBE for Spanish) to 511411.


Make sure that if a GUHH caller says that they received a text that you choose Text Message under Referral Source so we can accurately track these calls.


Below are some of the messages that will be sent out.

NYS Customized Messages

(1/2) Free msg: Healthy eating is important for you & your baby! If you need help buying food, connect to WIC….(2/2) Go to & find your local WIC office.

Free msg: Women who smoke have a higher risk of losing their baby or having a child with breathing & learning problems. Call 866-697-8487 or 866-NYQUITS.

(1/2) Free msg: Have you visited a Dr. or midwife (CNM/CM)? If not, make an appointment now. Call your health plan or 800-522-5006 to connect to low-cost care.(2/2) To cancel text4baby messages, Reply STOP. For information on text4baby, Reply HELP.



Tuberculosis (TB)

·         Inquiry – Health department

·         Taxonomy - tuberculosis Screening

§  Childhood Immunizations


Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease usually affecting the lungs (pulmonary TB). Other parts of the body can also be affected, for example lymph nodes, kidneys, bones, joints, etc. (extrapulmonary TB). Approximately 1,300 cases are reported each year in New York State.

Tuberculosis can affect anyone of any age. People with weakened immune systems are at increased risk.



USDA National Hunger Hotline

·         Inquiry – Other

·         Taxonomy - information and referral * hunger/food issues


Provides referrals for individuals and families to local food pantries and soup kitchens.  During summer months, the hotline services as a resource connecting children 18 years old and under to approved sites for summer meals.


Vender Certifications

·         Inquiry Type – WIC

·         Taxonomy – Vendor Certification


* Offices that assign approved vendor status to service providers that have applied for authorization to WIC.  Services to approved vendors generally include verification of client eligibility status and assistance with billing inquiries.




·         Inquiry Type – WIC

·         Taxonomy – WIC applications/certification


A federally-funded program that provides nutrition education and food vouchers for pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children younger than age five who cannot afford an adequate diet and, in the case of infants older than six weeks of age, who have a condition which shows a need for better nutrition. Food vouchers may be exchanged for milk, cheese, eggs, cereal, juice, vegetables, peanut butter, beans, formula, and other nutritious foods in most grocery stores.  In the summer, vouchers may be used at Farmers Markets for fresh fruits and vegetables. The WIC Program will be providing a new assortment of foods, enhanced breastfeeding support efforts and participant centered nutrition education.

·         What about women/infants who are partially breastfeeding?

A "partial breastfeeding" option is available. If appropriate, mothers may be provided with one can of powdered formula for the first month of breastfeeding. The literature has shown that exclusive breastfeeding for the first month is crucial for establishing an adequate milk supply and that supplementation with formula during that period could undermine breastfeeding's success. The food package is adjusted according to the amount of formula the infant receives.

·         What solid foods are provided to the infant?

At six months of age all infants will be provided with plain baby cereal and jars of baby vegetables and fruits. Exclusively breastfed infants will also be provided jars of baby meats.


WIC Complaints

·         Inquiry - WIC Complaints

·         Taxonomy - WIC appeals/complaints

WIC Fraud Reporting

·         Inquiry - WIC Complaints

·         Taxonomy - WIC fraud reporting


Any Media Questions

            Please call the “Public Affairs Group” at: 518-474-2043


Scripting for all GUHH Calls

·         Greeting “Thank you for calling the Growing Up Healthy hotline, my name is <NAME>.

·         Thank you for calling, May I please get your zip code.

o   If you get multiple cities, ask caller which city they are calling from.

·         How did you hear about our number?

·         Thank you for the information, how may I help you?

·         While customer is talking you can file in any demographic information

·         Select the program from the inquiry type drop down box

·         Look up the proper program for the caller, and give caller the information

o   Try to give 2 to 3 referrals on each call.

·         After each referral, click the make referral button to save the referral.

·         When finished, click the close button to return to the main page

·         Make sure everything is filled in and submit (save) the call

·         Closing statement (on every GUHH call) “Thank you for calling the Growing Up Healthy Hotline.”

During the call, if the caller has the information or hangs up you would still document this call.  You would save it as a unmet need.  See the documentation on how to save a unmet need in the GUHH training Manual (stated above).

Thank you for calling the Growing Up Healthy Hotline