
Description automatically generated with medium confidence


Fieldtex Homepage

               Supervisor Line: 585-327-5551


  *Launch Open Sites every day to capture all updates*



Training Guides

Fieldtex: Health Plans Summary

 Accessing the Fieldtex Database

 Inbound Call Procedure

 Fieldtex Shipping Information

 OTC Contracts Information for GWFL

FTX Catalogs


Applications and Toolbox

Web-based Contact Form for Emailing the Warehouse

Non-Medical Products $3.25 or less




Web Based Outlook



Goodwill Information Gateway Knowledge Base   

Goodwill U.  Power of Learning Library  

Fieldtex: Health Plans Summary

















$320 Diamond


6 per category/qtr





$140 Ruby


6 per category/qtr



Meridian Health






$5.35 all orders




1 / month

no  limits


after 1 free

Accessing the Fieldtex Database


Connect to NetExtender.

·       Press control, alt, delete to go to the logon screen.

·       Press tab until you get to “network sign in button.”

·       Press “enter”.

·       Press “enter” again on the submit button.

·       You should be at the net extender logon screen. Type in your username and password and press enter.

·       Approve the duo prompt.

·       Press control, alt, delete again.

·       You should be on a screen that says “vpn is connected.” Press the escape key, or tab to the back button and press enter to go back to the logon screen.

·       Once at the logon screen, type your username and password and press enter to logon.

·       You may need to approve the duo prompt one more time. After that’s done, wait until the desktop loads.

Click on the Open Sites icon on your desktop       

or go to: S:\Skinner Building\Call Center\Fieldtex\training\Open Sites


·       Cache will clear automatically

·       TEAMS automatically opens in a separate window

·       Outlook automatically opens in a separate window

·       All other resources load on a tab and appear on a single page (Highmark Wholecare, Meridian, Homepage, Email template, ADP, CXone)

·       Log into Highmark Wholecare Operator Log in

·       Log into Meridian Operator Log in

·       Log into CXone using your company email address

·       Log into Microsoft using company email address and password

·       Approve the Duo Push

·       At the “Stay signed in?” window select Yes *this will need to be done every time you click Open Sites and will not remain throughout the day

·       Open MAX and set status to “Available” to begin accepting calls


Set Max to the appropriate status throughout the work day:


Unavailable - 15 minute break

You will use this if you are going on a 15-minute break

Unavailable - Call Evaluations

You will use this if you are doing Call Evaluations

Unavailable - Consultation

You should only use this if you need to direct a question to or have a discussion with a Unit Lead or Supervisor

Unavailable - Email processing/VM

You should only use this if you are creating an email or if you are in the queue to retrieve voicemails

Unavailable - Lunch

You should only use this for your lunch time

Unavailable - Meeting

You should only use this if you are in a scheduled meeting

Unavailable - Outbound Call

You should only use this for assigned outbound projects

Unavailable - Away From Computer

You should only use this when you need to step away from the computer 

Unavailable - Special Project

You should only use this if you are assigned a project by a Unit Lead or Supervisor

Unavailable - Tech Support

You should only use this if you are having tech issues (report all issues to someone from management)

Unavailable - Training

You should only use this if you are in an assigned training


*Check Outlook Email Messages*


*Check TEAMS Messages*


* Suggestion*  Pin Sticky Notes and Calculator to your taskbar for quick reference


Fieldtex Daily Closing Procedure


·       Logout of MAX

·       Clock out in ADP

·       Close all applications

·       Disconnect NetExtender

·       In Start menu locate Power

·       Click on Shut Down if using a laptop computer – Restart if using a desktop computer







Toolbox Resources


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generatedOpen ADP Tab    



Sign in – Enter User ID   

Enter Password





*Clock In 5 minutes before start time


Open CXone (Sign In)       


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generatedSign in – Enter Username           

Enter Password








Daily Schedule appears


Check schedule for activities and events


Check for messages (bell)


Click on grid in the upper left corner  



Launch MAX   


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generatedClick on Integrated Softphone and Connect









Health Plan Windows

Open Health Plan Tabs                                                                            

Operator Logins appear            Graphical user interface, application

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Log In – Enter Username

Enter Password


Member Logins appear 

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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Return to MAX


Set Max Status to AVAILABLE to begin accepting calls



* Suggestion*  Pin Sticky Notes and Calculator to your taskbar for quick reference



Top of the Document


































Inbound Call Procedure

*Agents must answer call in 30 seconds or less



  1. Select the appropriate Health System’s “Login as Member” window.


  2. Greeting – “Good morning / afternoon, thank you for calling Fieldtex. My
      name is …..  How may I help you today”?  If caller would like to place an
      order – “may I please have your member ID”?
to access the account.


  3. Document member ID # for reference during call. For Highmark Wholecare  
      Only – ask for/enter Member Identification Number and password (member’s
      birthday) using six-digit format (April 01, 2010 = 040110). Document
      password for reference during call.


  4. Click LOG IN to Access Member’s Account.


  5. Member’s HOME page with Name and Balance Remaining Appears.


  6. Confirm the Name and benefit amount remaining - Who am I speaking  
 You have $x.xx to spend.


  * For Highmark Wholecare only - if someone is calling on behalf of a

   member, you must get the member’s permission first before assisting them
   with placing orders, tracking details, or questions regarding the account. In  

   cases where the member is not present, advise the caller to call back
   when the member is available. If you have a member that is nonverbal, we
   will reach out to member service to see if the person on the line is an
   authorized person to speak on their behalf.


      * For Meridian only –tell member she/he gets 1 Free Shipment per
         month. There is a $5.35 shipping fee for additional orders during the same


  7.    If placing an order; ask for the first item number. Enter Item Number in 
         Search Box and click on Search to open catalog entry. Repeat each item
         number, full description of product, and cost to member. Ask how many

·       Out of Stock Items

o   No backorders

o   No knowledge of replenishment timing

o   Ask member if she/he would like to order a similar product

o   Suggest a call back in 1-2 weeks to check on availability


·       Discontinued Items

o   Ask member if she/he would like to order the suggested replacement item or a similar product

o   Check category and/or catalog for available options


  8. Enter the quantity ordered. Add Item to Cart. If quantity is not accepted
      inform member. Repeat quantity added to cart. Request next item number.


  9. Occasionally Check Current Subtotal for Remaining Balance.


10. After Final item or if Balance is $0, verify order is Completed. Does that
      complete your order?


11. Confirm $ Total and Amount of Items Purchased. Proceed to Checkout.


12. Confirm Shipping Address. If shipping address is different from the listed
       address, make the change(s) in the SHIPPING ADDRESS window.

·       If given just a street address ask if there is an apartment number. Enter in the SHIPPING ADDRESS window.

·       If adding an apartment or unit number, add in SHIPPING ADDRESS window only. No need to enter in Notes.

·       If the member provides an “in care of” name, enter in the Notes section, not in the SHIPPING ADDRESS window.

·       When a member has a new address and/or telephone number, we need to let them know that she/he must inform Member Services. You should offer to transfer the call or at least ensure the member has the correct telephone number.  Just changing the information in the Address Notes will not make it permanent.


13. In the NOTES Section do not add the new address, just indicate TEMP if a
      one-time change or PERM if the address change is permanent. If permanent,
      advise member to contact Member Services with the new address.

14.  Confirm Telephone Number and Email Address. Update if necessary. Advise 
       member to contact Member Services with the new telephone number. If no
       email is indicated ask member if she/he would like to share an email address
       with Fieldtex.


       *Emails regarding shipping are not sent to customers unless requested.  If the   
       customers would like to receive an email about their order you will need to
       enter their email address in the Notes box.


15.  Ask the member if they have a carrier preference:

·       FedEx

·       UPS

·       USPS - Fieldtex is now requiring us to tell customers who request US Postal Service as the carrier that we cannot guarantee their package(s) will ship via that carrier.  Customers requesting FedEx or UPS are not affected.


16.  Ask the member if they have any delivery instructions:

·       Leave at front door

·       Leave at side door   

·       Knock on front door

·       Knock on side door

·       Ring doorbell

·       Deliver to apartment door

·       Signature Required - if requested

      [Note: carrier cannot call member]


17. Enter your organization’s initials and your initials in NOTES Section

·       No spaces between initials (GWFLXX).

·       Do not add dashes, slashes, symbols, or abbreviations

·       You may use your first initial – last name (GWFLSClaus).


18. Indicate Specific Instructions in NOTES Section.
       *Temporary address change: GWFLXX Temp 

       *Permanent address change: GWFLXX Perm

       *Carrier Preference: GWFLXX FedEx, UPS, or USPS

       *Delivery instructions: see choices above      

       *Person placing order and relationship if not the member:

   John Smith, spouse, placed order

19. This is the point of no return – changes cannot be made to the order after this 

·       Ask if the member has any changes.

·       If less than $30 remains in account consider whether member would be better served adding the remaining balance to this order (cost of shipping, timing of spending period, etc.)

·       Revise order if needed.

·       Click Place Order.


20. Checkout Screen Appears:

·       Provide Order Number

·       Let member know the order will ship free or provide shipping costs if applicable.

·       Advise 7 to 10 business days for delivery

·       Offer Balance Remaining and last future order date

·       If zero balance remains tell member when funds will be replenished


21. Closing - Is there anything else I can help you with today? Thank you for
                     calling Fieldtex products for (insert Health Plan name) and have a
                     great day!


22. Delete member id # and birth date from earlier steps. Shred if handwritten.


















Checking An Existing Order


·       Click on Account     


·       Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generatedClick on Orders    









Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceSelect Order and click Details




Tracking A Shipment


·       A picture containing icon

Description automatically generatedClick on Account  


·       Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generatedClick on  Orders    









·       Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceSelect Order and click Details 



·       Click Track Shipment  


Graphical user interface, application

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Credit Card Processing

(Meridian only)


Graphical user interface, application, Teams

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The screen will change as usual and across the top you will see Thank you, your order has been received.


An order total will appear, and that total will be the amount placed on the participant’s credit card.  Make sure the ORDER TOTAL is the same amount that you charged to the credit card. 





If for any reason the credit card does not go through, the order will not process. Member must remove excess items to achieve a $0.00 balance. Place order as usual.



Completing the Call


       *Agents must disposition their call in 30 seconds or less







Creating an Email













Call Handling Options


Graphical user interface, text, application

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Graphical user interface, calendar

Description automatically generatedTransferring A Call

·       Click on the Transfer / Conf button

·       Selection window opens

·       Input the outbound telephone number or select a recipient

·       Transfer or Conference prompt will appear

·       Select Transfer

·       Select the Transfer button to send the member directly to the recipient


Conferencing A Call

·       Click on the Transfer / Conf button

·       Selection window opens

·       Input the outbound telephone number or select a recipient

·       Transfer or Conference will appear

·       Select the Conference button














Protocols for Inbound Call Exceptions


Assisted Call

CLI Interpreter Service


Code: 938006

Give your name and the contract you are calling for, Fieldtex


Catalog Request

Transfer those members to Member Services or recommend that they reach out to them.


No Response to Greeting

Inform member you cannot hear her/him and ask for a call back.


Dropped Calls


Irate Member

·       Reassure member you are there to help obtain resolution to the problem

·       Take ownership by repeating the issue to ensure understanding

·       Provide accurate information to member

·       Create follow-up email for supervision


Caller Wants to Speak With Supervision

·       Check the Supervisor line first to see if one is available.

·       Warm transfer the call

·       If Supervisor is not available, offer member two options.

o   “I can send you through to my supervisor’s voicemail and you are welcome to leave a message.” Put them through to the supervisor line.

o   “I can take down your contact information and send my supervisor an email to contact you.” Send the email request through the Fieldtex email including an explanation that this was an escalated call.


Item Returns

Send an Email to Fieldtex for follow-up


Order Not Received

·       Verify the order in question

·       Obtain tracking information

·       If delivery was made, suggest member check with family or neighbors

·       Send an Email to Fieldtex for follow-up

Incorrect Information Provided

Send an Email to Fieldtex for follow-up


Item/Quantity Changes

·       Prior to placing the order – revise order

·       After placing the order - send an Email to Fieldtex for follow-up


Order Exceeds Limits

·       System will alert that order has exceeded its limit.

·       Ask member how she/he would like to proceed (order adjustments)

·       If Member Services accepts credit cards, ask member if she/he would like to purchase the amount exceeded with a credit card


Address Change

·       Current order – indicate new shipping address in Ship To box. Be sure to write TEMP or PERM in the notes, for temporary or permanent change.

·       If not ordering – inform member she/he must contact Member Services with the new address


Member ID # Unknown

Advise member to call Member Services and get the number from them or the Fieldtex customer service representative can call Member Services and provide member’s full name.


Item # Not Recognized

·       Ask member to describe the item

·       Check catalog

·       Check prior order

·       Verify the item is in the current catalog


My Packages Have Been Stolen

If a member feels their package could get stolen, recommend “Signature Required” as a shipping instruction.


Graphical user interface, text

Description automatically generatedCustomer Cannot Hear Me

      click   . . . More                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Graphical user interface, application

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·       In More Tools click Settings 








Graphical user interface, application

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·       Check what is listed next to Device  






Top of the Document










Fieldtex Shipping Information

Fieldtex Products

2921 Brighton-Henrietta Townline Road
Rochester NY 14623 USA



Shipping Instruction Highlights

·       No more than 5 words so that they can fit on the shipping label

·       Need to include specific action.

o   Acceptable special delivery instructions:

§  Leave at front door

§  Leave at side door   

§  Knock on front door

§  Knock on side door

§  Ring doorbell

§  Deliver to apartment door

§  Signature Required - if requested

o   Driveway, end of lane, back door, porch, etc. are NOT acceptable as it does not leave the driver with a clear action to take with the package.

·       We cannot instruct the couriers to send the package to two locations. For example: “Leave at neighbors if no one’s home”. We are only allowed to leave the package at the shipping address provided by the member.

·       Do not take instructions that require a carrier to call before delivery

·       Do not take requests that require the package be delivered within a specific time/timeframe


Signature Requests
We ship regular signature unless another option is requested.


Shipping Address and Order Notes

Temporary Address Change

·       temporary address replaces current address in Shipping address box

·       enter GWFLXX TEMP into Order Notes


Permanent Address Change

·       permanent address replaces current address in Shipping address box

·       enter GWFLXX PERM into Order Notes

·       advise Customer to call Member Services with new address

Addition to Current Address

·       if adding an apartment or unit number, add in Shipping address box

·       enter GWFLXX PERM into Order Notes

·       advise Customer to call Member Services with new address

·       if adding a floor location, enter in Shipping address box only

Shipping Options

·       indicate carrier of choice by entering GWFLXX  UPS into Order Notes

·       if no carrier is designated do not enter a carrier name in Order Notes

Delivery Instructions

·       if Customer has no delivery requests enter GWFLXX into Order Notes

·       if Customer has a specific delivery request enter GWFLXX the request into Order Notes

·       acceptable requests include

o   Leave at front door

o   Leave at side door   

o   Knock on front door

o   Knock on side door

o   Ring doorbell

o   Deliver to apartment door

o   Signature Required - if requested

·       if Customer requests to sign for the package enter GWFLXX Signature Required into Order Notes

o   If Customer requests FedEx enter one of the following into the Order Notes . . .

§  Direct: Member must sign

§  Indirect: Anyone can sign

§  Adult: 21 or Older must sign

o   If Customer requests UPS enter one of the following into the Order Notes . . .

§  Regular Signature: Anyone can sign

§  Adult: 21 or Older must sign

o  If Customer requests USPS enter “Hold for Pickup”: The Post Office will hold the package and notify the member via email when it arrives. Member must sign for and pickup package at the post office.


Non-member Placed Orders

·        identify person placing order

·        enter Name, Relationship to member, placed order into Order Notes


Access Points

When shipping to an access point, enter the following into the Order Notes

·               GWFL and initials (GWFLXX) TEMP SHIP FedEx

·               C/O FedEx Access Point

·               FedEx store inside (enter Store Name)

·               Access Point Address

                    *** Do not change the Shipping Address ***


This also applies for UPS access points.  

·          GWFL and initials (GWFLXX) TEMP SHIP UPS

·          C/O UPS Access Point

·          UPS store inside (enter Store Name)

·          Access Point Address

*** USPS does not ship to Access Points


Out of Country Shipping

Not covered in our cost. If you have a member that wants their order shipped out of the country, we would have to get approval from the health care provider.

·       Process the order

·       Enter the out of country address into Order Notes

·       Send an email to Fieldtex supervisors with the member id, member name, phone number, order number, *out of country address* and notes.


Durable Goods

If a Highmark Wholecare Care Manager calls to make a change or modify an existing Durable Goods order do not refer to Member Services. Warm transfer the Care Manager to Deb Youngman at (585) 427-2940  extension 251.

If a Highmark Wholecare Customer calls to make a change or modify an existing Durable Goods order, refer to their Care Manager at Member Services.


Email Template


First Name:

Last Name:

Member ID:

Order/Item Number:

Phone Number:


First Initial Last Name:


*Please send emails through CC Fieldtex Create Email or to: ftx@Abvi-Goodwill.com


CLI Interpreter Service


Code: 938006

Give your name and the contract you are calling for, Fieldtex


Carriers Contact Numbers:

UPS Customer Service: 800-742-5877 

FedEx Customer Service: 800-463-3339 

USPS Tracking: 800-222-1811 

USPS Customer Service: 800-275-8777


Top of the Document
































Transferring Calls


How to Cold Transfer Calls


Click on Transfer/Conference button

           A picture containing diagram

Description automatically generated


·        Dial 3rd Party number – caller will automatically be placed on hold

·        Click on Conference button

·        Click on Transfer button A picture containing dark

Description automatically generated

·        Caller will be cold transferred to 3rd Party

·        Discard call


Graphical user interface, application

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How to Warm Transfer Calls


Click on Transfer/Conference button

            A picture containing diagram

Description automatically generated


·        Dial 3rd Party number – caller will automatically be placed on hold

o   Identify self to 3rd Party

o   Have caller’s information available

o   Explain the reason for the call


·        If 3rd Party asks to speak with the caller, click on Conference button – Caller, Member Services, and you will be on the call

           Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


·        Introduce caller to 3rd Party

·        Continue with 3-way conversation

·        If you are no longer needed in the conversation, click on Transfer button – you will be disconnected



          Graphical user interface, application

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·        If 3rd Party does not need to speak with the caller, click on Hang Up





Transfers to Member Services


1. Caller Requests Catalog

·        Inform caller they need to request a catalog through Member Services

·        Provide the Member Services’ telephone number to the caller

·        Offer to transfer the caller to Member Services

·        Transfer the caller to Member Services’ ensuring caller is placed in the proper queue.


2.  Caller Requests Change of Address and/or Telephone Number

v  Inform caller they need to request a change of address/phone through Member Services

·        Provide the Member Services’ telephone number to the caller

·        Offer to transfer the caller to Member Services

·        Transfer the caller to Member Services’ ensuring caller is placed in the proper queue.


3. Member ID# not Accepted

·        Trouble shoot the number

o   Repeat number for verification

o   Ask caller if they are reading from the Health Plan card

o   Identify the Health Plan (e.g., Highmark Wholecare vs Highmark)

o   Try to reenter number into actual Health Plan site several times

·        Number still not working

o   Contact Member Services

§  Identify self to Member Services representative

§  Have caller’s full name, member ID, and date of birth

§  Explain the issue with the number given by the caller

o   If number is different, check to see if it now works

o   If yes, continue with order

o   If no, you need to email Fieldtex for assistance

§  Tell customers to call back in ten days to allow for processing time

o   If number is confirmed by Member Services as the correct ID but does not work

§  Email Fieldtex for assistance


4. Member ID# not known

v  Trouble shoot for the number

v  Ask caller if they have their Health Plan card

v  Contact Member Services

§  Identify self to Member Services representative

§  Have caller’s full name and date of birth

§  Explain the issue with the unknown number

v  If number is provided, continue with order

v  If Member Services would like to speak with the caller, Conference the caller into the conversation

v  If Member Services does not provide the number for HIPAA purposes, the caller will have to wait for an email or letter from Member Services


How to Transfer Calls to Member Services for Catalog Requests and Changes of Information


·        Click on Transfer/Conference button

           A picture containing diagram

Description automatically generated


·        Dial Member Services – caller will automatically be placed on hold

·        Ensure caller is placed in the proper queue and click on Conference button

·        Tell customer you are placing them in the queue

·        Click on TransferA picture containing dark

Description automatically generated

·        Caller will be cold transferred to Member Services

·       Discard call


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


How to Warm Transfer Calls to Member Services

·        Click on Transfer/Conference button

            A picture containing diagram

Description automatically generated


·        Dial Member Services – caller will automatically be placed on hold

o   Identify self to Member Services representative

o   Have caller’s full name, member ID, and date of birth

·       Explain the issue with the number given by the caller

·        If Member Services asks to speak with the caller, click on Conference button – Caller, Member Services, and you will be on the call

           Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated



·        Introduce caller to Member Services representative

·        Continue with 3-way conversation

·        If you are no longer needed in the conversation, click on Transfer button – you will be disconnected

          Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

 If Member Services does not need to speak with the caller, click on Hang Up



OTC Contracts Information for GWFL

Highmark Wholecare

·       Member Services number 800-685-5209

·       Our number where Members place their order 1-855-350-0074

·       Rep Log In Template: https://www.fieldtex-gateway.com/operator-login

·       Member login if they want to place their own order:  https://www.fieldtex-gateway.com

·       Member ID number will be 8 digits

·       Benefit Allowance

o   Diamond Plan $320 Quarterly Benefit

o   Ruby Plan $140 Quarterly Benefit

o   No Rollover - Members must spend allowance within benefit period, any unused benefit will be forfeited at the end of each benefit period

·       Product Limits: 6 units per category per quarter except for:

o   Interplak rechargeable cordless toothbrush:        00352   $45.00   1 per year

o   Interplak toothbrush replacement heads 2 ct.:    00370   $22.50   2 per year

o   Sonicare rechargeable toothbrush:                        10645   $44.00    1 per year

o   Sonicare replacement heads 3 ct.:                         10646   $52.50    2 per year

o   Incontinence: Unlimited

o   Incontinence – Reusable:  3 units per this category per Quarter

o   Pain relief:  TENS units  one unit per category per year.

o   Respiratory relief:  one unit per category per year.

o   Wholecare For You:  as identified by item

o   Dual Purpose Items:  1 unit per this category per year

o   Weight Loss:  2 units per category per year.

·       Unlimited Free Shipments

·       Credit Cards NOT Accepted

o   Members are allowed to place multiple orders/additional shipments free of shipping charge

o   Overages are NOT permitted, so members must spend within their allotted benefit amount

o   Members cannot spend with a $0 balance

·       Hours of Operation

o   Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST

o   Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST

o   Sunday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm EST

·       Member Services Hours – October 1 - March 31: Daily  8:00 am – 8:00 pm EST

                                                April 1 - September 30: Monday - Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm EST

·       States Serving:  Pennsylvania/Kentucky



Meridian Health - MLTSS

·       Member Services numbers 

o   MLTSS Member services: 866-821-2308

·       Our number where Members place their order 1-844-913-0193

·       Rep Log In Template: https://www.fieldtex-meridian.com/operator-login

·       Member login if they want to place their own order:  https://www.fieldtex-meridian.com

·       MLTSS Member ID will be 9 digits

·       Benefit Allowance

o   MLTSS - $10 / month

o   No Rollover - Members must spend allowance within benefit period, any unused benefit will be forfeited at the end of each benefit period

·       1 Free Shipment per month

·       Credit Cards Accepted

o   $5.35 shipping fee after first order of month

o   Additional shipments/overages accepted with credit card payment

o   Member can call back with a $0 balance and pay for shipment and items with credit card

·       Hours of Operation

o   MLTSS Monday – Friday  8:00 am – 6:30 pm EST

·       Member Services Hours

o   MLTSS - Daily  9:30 am – 8:00 pm EST

·       States Serving: Illinois (Central Time Zone) Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kankakee, Lake, Will Counties



Top of the Document